testing with
BuildBear Sandbox

Revolutionize Your Web3 Development with BuildBear Sandbox

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    Local testnets are local and dumb

  • Can’t test smart contracts in teams

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    Run them individually and compare

  • Debugging failed transactions is slow

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    Look for bugs line by line

  • No way to generate smart test cases programmatticaly

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    Testing smart contracts is manual and subjective

Why should you use BuildBear ?
New and Unique features of BuildBear Sandbox that will make your web3 experience seamless.
Cloud Enabled Sandboxes
With our Cloud-Enabled Sandboxes, your team can seamlessly collaborate on projects within a secure and shared environment. Shared access ensures exclusive access to sandbox features – faucet, explorer, and transaction data – for your team members only.
Experience seamless exploration and easy debugging of your transactions on your Testnet with BuildBear's built-in explorer and in-built transaction tracer.
Unrestricted Native & ERC20 Tokens
Experience instant, unrestricted distribution of native and ERC20 tokens for all your testing needs with BuildBear's Faucet, providing seamless token access and enhancing testing efficiency.
BuildBear sandboxes effortlessly adapt to your DApp's needs, automatically scaling resources as your usage demands. This ensures a consistently smooth testing experience, regardless of how intensively you use the Sandboxes.
Privacy Enabled
Our shared access features enable you to seamlessly collaborate with teammates on sandboxes while retaining complete control. Only your team can access sandboxes, smart contracts, and transaction data, ensuring your work remains secure and private.
Your dApp is dependent on Gelato Web3 Functions, Chainlink VRF, SAFE SDK (many more)? BuildBear Sandbox supports the testing of your dApp with these on-demand plugins.
Customisation Sandboxes
Users can override Gas estimation, allow unlocked accounts, allow unlimited contract size, and set specific mining windows to meet their requirements, making it easier to create a custom Testnet that suits their needs.
Mainnet State
Create Forked Testnets from any of the following EVM and EVM-compatible chains: Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Fantom, Binance, zkEVM Polygon, Linea, Gnosis and Omni.
DevTool Support
BuildBear Sandboxes are already integrated and can be used from other Web3 DevTools: RemixIDE, Scaffold-ETH, Cookbook, Catapulta, Loki.Code, SolidityScan
Chains we support

BuildBear Stats

Let’s get started then, Shall we?